The Christmas weekend inside the famous yellow house began with positive outcome. Fresh from their sold-out piggy painting auction, the sweet end of their 145 kilometer tread mill journey, and the indulging skin care session with Dra. Vicky Belo, our celebrity housemates are now looking forward on their preparation for their Christmas celebration. But for today, Big Brother ushered in yet another challenging task, and this time around, the housemates had to use their money skills.

Everyone was surprised to see gazillions of coins scattered all over the living room floor. All the housemates had no clue on where the coins came from and what their purpose were. But after a while, Kuya instructed them to collect all the coins and count them one by one to figure how much all the pennies are worth. Immediately, the housemates together in getting all the coins from the floor to the wide dining table where they counted all the money.
Although the task was not physically challenging, it required much silence and concentration so as none of them will lost count.

Inspiring Christmas songs were also played on the background, and this completed the Christmas mood inside the house as all the money that the housemates were counting seemed like "aguinaldo" for children. Meanwhile, Jon could not even believe that he would be counting that much money again since his days working in a British bank. Everyone agreed to group the coins per Php 1,000 worth so if ever Big Brother asks for the final count, they will all have an easy time counting the coins. They used all the materials available in the house, like bowls, buckets, and plastic bags, to make their job a lot easier. After putting all the counted coins in the plastic bags, they made sure that each bag is double-covered and carefully taped so the bag will not be pierced. Mariel also got the big plastic chest where they placed all the money bags.
After a couple of hours of counting, with their fingertips all stinking of metal, the housemates placed the Php 9,443.75 worth of coins in the chest. On Kuya's signal, they helped out in carrying the heavy chest into the confession room. But up to now, the mystery still remains on who will benefit from all these coins.
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