The exciting game was held in the garden where the white Boracay sand completed the whole beach ambiance. The housemates were allowed to choose who they want to face in the Limbo Rock competition. Ethel chose Riza, Mariel chose Gaby, Will chose Jon, and Yayo chose Ruben. The Ultimate Pasaway and Desirable Diva first raced under the sticks. The Limbo Rock game was composed of four rounds wherein the sticks were lowered after each round. On the fourth round, Riza's knees touched the sand, and hence, she lost the game. Riza was then ordered to finish the Big Brother 7-Shooter the ingredients of which are still unknown. Riza started smelling each shot glass, unsure if she can finish all seven drinks. Kuya then told Riza to step away from the table as she could not do the punishment.

Before the housemates could worry, the 7-shooter was actually a combination of different edible liquids like egg white, grape juice, calamansi, and others. The in the second round, Will and Jon squared off to see who's the "real man" between them. The two poster hunks tried their best to go under the stick, but in the final round, Jon was caught tilting his head under. The English Outcast then lost the game to the True Lover. However, Jon successfully finished the 7-shooter like a fearless man.
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