To be fair, Big Brother asked the others to shuffle four steel glasses covering different kinds of punishment that they have suggested for Gaby to pick. This included "Help" which required her to become a "housegirl" for a week while carrying a boom mic with her at all times. "I Love Peggy" entailed living with the piglets for 24 hours, using the Semaphore Flag Signaling System (where each flag sign represented a letter from the alphabet) as her only way of communication. "Matic" was the worst for it indicated an automatic nomination and one day in front of a boom mic. On the other hand, the last one was her best option since it was tagged as the Reward, meaning, she would be given a board game to play with plus a chance to choose her form of penalty.

Because Donnie was somehow responsible for Gaby's blunder, Big Brother told him that he could either let Gaby suffer an additional 20 hours with the piglets or save her from this extra burden by agreeing to accompany her throughout this "stinking or deal". He'd been raring to share his partner's agony so he accepted the second alternative. But as soon as Gaby learned what he did, she immediately confronted Big Brother about it. Her protest was in vain though for Donnie insisted to join her in the pigpen!
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