The housemates were divided into two teams with Baron, Ethel, Riza, and Will were in Team This-Is-It while Mariel, Gaby, Jon, and Ruben were in Team Funny. The two teams have to outrun each other in being the first to guess the word that Kuya gives. The words were all formed using the letters C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S and each letter was written in colorful huge boxes which all the team members must wear. Each correct word worths a point, and the first team to reach ten points wins the game.
Big Brother first gave a clue on what the given word is, then, on his signal, the housemates will run to get the letters and go back to form the word with their teammates. But it seemed that Team This-Is-It had agreed on a system that gave them the advantage over Team Funny. Team This-Is-It was able to guess one word after the other, like "asim," "atis," "rich," and "trim" and they immediately took the lead with nine points over Team Funny with three points.

The tenth point, however, became elusive for the leading team as Kuya gave tough words and Team Funny was even able to advance to six points. But after being the first to guess the word "rat," Team This-Is-It finally took the much coveted victory.
As a prize, all the members of the winning This-Is-It team will each recieve a 100-letter long message from a loved one outside the house. But as of now, Baron, Ethel, Riza, and Will are still clueless about the touching reward that await them.
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