The Red Team of Ethel, Will, Riza, and Baron raced againts the Green Team of Jon, Mariel, Ruben, and Gaby. The two teams only a five minutes to finish the race. Each member of the team must make it to the other side of the race and back, passing through the traffic cones with making any of bell sound. Once a bell rings, the player must go back to the starting point. While walking pass the cones, the player must make some hip movements. Upon finishing his or her turn, the player will tag another teammate to make the walk.

On Big Brother's signal, all the housemates kept quiet as Gaby and Riza made their first walk for their respective teams. Keeping the bells all quite while walking and shaking the hips proved to be a challenge. The question now is will any of our housemates achieve a quiet victory? Is seemed that should all of them fail, they won't have a Christmas that is as merry as they want to be.
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