Despite our celebrity housemates having no contact with the outside world, this is no reason for Big Brother not to bring in the Christmas spirit inside his house. As if the big Christmas tree and the inspiring Christmas songs inside the house were not enough, it's time to bring in the great PBB Christmas lantern. For this week, the housemates will make their own giant Christmas lantern complete with different colored lights similar to the famous lanterns of Pampanga.

The big challenge in this task is for them to create an eight feet-sized lantern that has numerous blinking electrical lights of various colors. The housemates only have a week to put together this big lantern, and it would be tough for them to hastily familiarize themselves with all the tricky electrical circuitry. However, having survived one weekly task after the other, the housemates were no longer strangers to difficulties and failures. For this week, they agreed to bet 100% of their budget, but nevertheless, everyone kept a positive attitude that they will be able to win this task.

If the housemates will win this task, their PBB Celebrity Edition 2 giant lantern will land a special spot in the annual lantern parade in Pampanga wherein lots of people will get to see the product of their hard labor. After Baron announced the initial instructions of their weekly task, the housemates awaited for Big Sister to provide them with the materials. Then, an instructional video was shown over the plasma monitor in the living room which the housemates closely watched. Will our celebrity housemates make the best lantern, something good enough to surprise Big Brother on his return?