Saturday morning began inside the famous yellow house with noises from a flea market as their wake up call. Still half asleep, all the housemates started making their own "praning" theories on the significance of the wake up call. But when they got into the kitchen, they noticed two "bayong" placed on the dining table. This somehow gave them the idea that maybe they will be going to a flea market somewhere to do their weekly shopping.

Much to the housemates' surprise, however, the market was just in the activity area. There were several stalls, each selling different items like vegetables, fruits, meats, canned goods, and other stuff usually made available in every weekly shopping. Everyone was so excited not only because of their big budget for this week but also because they had the chance to experience once again what it's like to be in a public market, or sort of.

But luck did not end with our celebrity housemates because right after lunch, Big Brother told everyone about the "Santa Housemate" that happened in the week that passed. All of them got see the videos of several children who came to Kuya to ask for the gift that they want to receive this Christmas. Since this season is all about the children and the spirit of giving, Kuya wanted to grant all the wishes of these children. However, he left the decision the housemates to make a shortlist of 30 kids who they believe deserve to have their wishes granted. With the video and the list of all the children, the housemates carefully chose 30 worthy wishes. The housemates were all touched upon seeing the children make their plea to Kuya, especially those who requested for toys to share to their siblings. All toys imaginable were requested, from a simple Barbie doll, to expensive play stations, and even a hard-to-find robot dancing to the Papaya tune! But the housemates prioritized those kids who asked for things they badly need like school bags, shoes, and clothes, among other things.