The deafening silence inside the Big Brother house was disturbed when a video was played on the plasma screen in the living room. Big Brother showed to all the housemates the video
of Yayo in the confession room when she made her bitter decision of leaving the house for good. She confessed to Kuya how frustrated she was that she never got the chance to talk to her mom two months before she became a celebrity housemate and that she was not able to inform her of her plans to join PBB. But the truth was that it was her mother and her children who were the reasons she decided to be in the top-rating reality show. Yayo intended to use the money she would earn not only to support her family but also to pay for her mother's medication. She even shared how she had been dreaming of buying her mother a cellphone with a camera, some new clothes and nice shoes. Unfortunately, Yayo and her family don't have enough money to indulge in those luxuries. Yayo found herself caught between her duties as a daughter and her responsibilities as a mother.

Since her mother was one of the reasons she decided to become a celebrity housemates, Yayo bears the pain in knowing that one of the driving forces in surviving every day inside Kuya's house had passed away. In her nine week sacrifice filled stay inside the house, Yayo had been looking forward to seeing her mother, but now that is all impossible, much more as Christmas is just a few days away. As she spends her Christmas grieving over the tragic loss, her beloved housemates are beginning to think of a way to help her out.

After being moved by the video, Mariel told Baron of how convinced she is that Yayo was destined to be in the Big Four, but now that Yayo's gone, another housemate will take her well-deserved slot. The pretty houseguest thought that whoever the Big Four will be, they must at least share a portion of their cash prize to Yayo. Having seen Yayo and her family in the hospital, Mariel now knows how Yayo loves her family so much, and whatever financial support they can give her will be for the benefit of her children's education. However, Mariel felt that she is not in the position to impose her suggestions since she is just a houseguest. Baron, on the other
hand, agreed that the Big Four should extend help to Yayo. Ruben also supported the idea without any hesitation since, being a parent himself, he knew how important it is for a mother to see her kids finish school.
What will be the other ways in which our celebrity housemates can help Yayo during this difficult time? How will Big Brother extend his condolences to the housemate who became a big part of his abode?
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