Bianca sneaked inside the house in a ninja disguise and threatened to ruin the tower of coins, But just when she was about to lay a finger on the tower, Ruben immediately stopped her. Bianca then took off her mask and revealed herself to the celebrity housemates who were playing with the Kung Fu Kids. Everyone was shocked, though, to see that the PBB host was with them inside the house. Bianca asked the housemates and the kids to join her in the living room where the host interviewed our newly proclaimed Big Four.

In a short chit chat with Bianca, the Celebrity Big Four revealed that they were still sad with Jon's forced eviction last night. Will confessed that he sympathizes with the Fil-British housemate given that they both came from the modeling industry and they grew up abroad. Gaby was also affected by Jon's fate, but at the moment, the Racing Goddess chose to look on the bright side, knowing that the English Outcast was evicted because of a violation and not because the people voted him out. On the other hand, the final four are still discussing the contribution that they have decided to give to this edition's final evictee and has yet to set the final amount so Jon will be able to donate to his chosen charity.

But Big Brother cut the interview short and instructed the Kung Fu Kids to go to the storage room and get his gift for Bianca. When the pretty host opened the box, she felt that Kuya was playing a prank on her by giving her a set of towels, some underwear and a lapel mic. How could Kuya trap her two days before the Big Night? But indeed Kuya's serious and is letting her experience the Big Four atmosphere again. What is Bianca's mission?
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