Before Gaby completed the Big Four slate together with Ruben, Riza and Will, Big Brother himself reminded the five celebrity housemates about the fact that PBB is a competition that's comprised with rules that should be observed and respected. And unfortunately, he bestowed a forced eviction on Jon after conferring with Endemol officials. As Big Brother consultant Anuska Ban reiterated, the process of nomination is sacred and no one is allowed to discuss it outside the confession room which Jon violated when he tried to sway the housemates into voting for a five-way tie result.
But more than the English Outcast's fateful exit, now is the time to assess your bets winning personalities!
The multi-talented housemate. Known for her accomplishments on the Asian Formula 3 Circuit, Gaby pursued a stint in PBB to find potential sponsors that will finance her passion of becoming an international racing enthusiast. She further proves herself by winning a competition in Subic without undergoing the usual painstaking rehearsals amidst her stay inside the famed yellow house. Beyond that, she easily warmed up to her fellow housemates and even caught their admiration for her endless capabilities when it comes to Big Brother's various challenges. Many times she had thought about giving up. But her innate strength to continue the fight prevailed every time her weaknesses get to her.

The principled one. In spite of the fact that Riza grew up in a Westernized culture, she unexpectedly acquired such a conservative attitude and perspective in life. Though there were many temptations which lured her to stray from her beliefs, she managed to hold on to this, a trait that set her apart from others. Although her shyness hampered some of her housemates to know her more, with their support, she came out of her shell in due time. In her own quiet way, she was able to fulfill her responsibilities as a housemate without ever stepping on another person's toes. As such, she has been an epitome of beauty, brains and humility throughout her stint in PBB.

The family man. Having a less privileged background did not hinder Ruben from cultivating real friendships among more popular stars in the house. At one point, he recalled how he felt out of place during the first night but eventually got over it for he knows that his fellow housemates accept him for who he is. Despite the luxuries he had experienced as Kuya's resident, he remained grounded in envisioning simple dreams for his family. His housemates proclaim him as their own bet for the Big Win not only because he needs the prize money but because he deserves it after the dedication he showed in finishing even the most pressing trials that were thrown in his way.

The hunk who found a home. Behind his oozing sex appeal and poster model looks, Will hides his fear of letting people in, born out of the traumatic childhood he had because of his stern stepfather. Growing up in a turbulent atmosphere at home made it difficult for him to open up the real him. But in Big Brother's abode, he learned how it is to be loved by his housemates who have become his second family. As such, Kuya is more than just a faceless voice but also a father who taught him so many things. At the same time, he is the kind of friend who doesn't look at one's status in life as he quickly established a strong bond with the Komedyanteng Promdi
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