Uber host Mariel Rodriguez once again paid the Kuyas house a little visit by providing the tools for this afternoons pool game. After showering several 25 centavo coins in various areas of the pool, the teens were called out of the house where Kuya explained the rules of his game. Team Robi and Team Josef must dive for as many coins as they can and the group with the most number of coins will win. Upon Big Brother's signal, the game commenced with the housemates taking turns in searching for Kuyas coins. After a few minutes Kuya called off the game and instructed the two groups to count their coins.

At the end of the count, Josefs team emerged the winner with a total of 89 coins while Robis group collected only 83 coins. It was a real close fight but sadly Team Robi had to do Kuyas consequence for losing the game which was to drink a glass of ampalaya shake each. Nan had no problems sipping the bitter drink straight from a straw, while Beauty almost threw up hers because of its peculiar taste.Robi, Linda, and Jolas on the other hand made it sure to finish the drink in one gulp to prevent themselves gagging on the bitter taste of the vegetable.

On the other hand, evicted housemate Jieriel watched the game from the Uber set with Mariel. The bubbly girl shared some juicy stories with Kuyas ex-houseguest. She told Mariel that Linda really has a crush on Alex, while Beauty has her eye on the TwinTowers, Jolas and Ejay. Jieriel also said that shes happy to be back in the outside world but she terribly misses the housemates too.