Teens and Guardians were both gathered in the living room for Kuyas surprise guests. Mr. Martin Aguda, head of the Safety Department of ABS-CBN and his team were invited by Kuya to hold a formal training for the housemates. Last week was an eventful season for them since there were a series of illnesses and accidents. Aguda then explained that he was there to lessen these and therefore conduct training on prevention.

The Safety Department is in charge of monitoring the safety of the teens and guardians. When Beauty slipped in the pool, Agudas team gave her first-aid. To start with the lecture he said that there were 2 factors of Safety measures. First of which is Reactive Safety. An example of this was when the teens reported Beautys slip to Kuya and sought help from the medics. The second safety measure is called Pro-Active safety. This focuses on avoiding accidents and illnesses. Mommy Carina was very responsive with the speaker and answered almost all questions. The teens on the other hand listened intently to the lecture and noted the tips.

Earlier, the housemates were tasked to make masks for laters masquerade party. Their creativity and ingenuity were tested and everyone was psyched with the activity. Hours after this task, the guardians and teens were called to dress for the event. Will this masquerade party also be the welcoming event for their new housemate? Who will be the next teen to enter Kuyas house? And who will be this weeks nominees? Catch the newest plus in Kuyas house later on Pinoy Big Brother Teen Edition Plus and log on to the PBB Multiply Site for fresh updates!