The Grand Council Trial
After the face-to-face nominations, there was an obvious strain between Alex and Nikki. Alex approached Kuya and asked him for feedback, which he later did with the rest of the teens as well. To tie loose ends, Alex had a talk with Nikki and admitted his real reason for nominating the In Chick: he felt that since Nikki already had 1 point (care of Ejay), then he'd rather add another point to her than add another housemate for nominations. Nikki likewise shared her sentiments with Alex, stressing that he should've told the truth and she would understand. Ejay also had a similar talk with Nikki regarding nominations. All's well in the end, as they patched their differences instead.
As they went back to creating the accessories, Kuya called them again to change into all-white outfits provided them, after which they had to sit down in different parts of the house. In the activity area, a group of black-robed people were filing in and taking their respective seats. The Grand Council was composed by former teen housemates and their guardians. Their task was to challenge the character of the remaining housemates, and level them off by grilling them on past and present actions.
First up was Alex, who even gave a smile to the jury. The main issue with him was his disregard of his ongoing relationship outside the house. Alex was very vocal about his love for his girlfriend, yet now, he seemed like he was flirting with Beauty. He also denied saying "I love you" to Beauty, yet also admitted that he was having some level of intimate feelings with Beauty, especially because they were together daily, prodding him to not think of his girlfriend too much. However, despite all, he still would choose his girlfriend over Beauty. Besides, he's keeping doors open; a lot can happen in the future.
Robi was next, and Shy was first to push his buttons by stating that he was just playing safe. He denied this vehemently, saying that he did everything seriously. Linda questioned the fact that, despite his earlier plans of going on a voluntary exit, he didn't. Was it a gimmick? Again, he denied this, saying that he continued because he wanted to acknowledge the trust and support entrusted him by the people. Josef asked if he took the school rivalry too far when he nominated our students. Robi replied that he didn't care for the Ateneo-La Salle rivalry, and based his nomination on Josef's actions within. His choice for big winner was Ejay and, should he be made to choose who to go out the house, Nikki. Kuya then asked why he nominated Alex instead, he replied that he was nervous, and decide to nominate him based on their not-so-close relationship.
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